Funding Criteria
We aim to enable people with physical disabilities and visual impairments from South West England and Wales to access funding up to the value of £5,000. This funding must contribute towards sporting activities, sporting equipment, or costs towards achieving a physical challenge.

Who is Eligible to Apply?
Young people or adults residing in South West England or Wales who are physically disabled or have a visual impairment. Must be part of a sports club, sporting pathway or linked to a National Governing Body.
Organisations for physically disabled or visually impaired groups residing in South West England or Wales.
The following costs are eligible for funding:
New equipment and kit specifically for disability sport activities.
Training courses (please see below for more detail regarding ongoing training costs)
Costs relating to a sport project for people with physical disabilities or visual impairments.
Costs relating to sporting challenges including travel, equipment, sustenance and accommodation.
The following costs are NOT eligible for funding:
Activities that have already taken place
Activities promoting religious or political beliefs
Endowments or loan repayments
Capital items (except for small items of equipment)
Costs already specifically covered by other funding
Ongoing training costs – training will only be covered if the applicant can demonstrate how this cost will be met in the long term, along with evidence identifying other sources of funding applied for or secured.
Ongoing costs related to your organisation e.g.ongoing staff costs, utility bills, overheads related to equipment or buildings(such as regular rent payments, buildings or contents insurance, or maintenance costs)

Monitoring & Review
Both organisations and individuals will be expected to complete monitoring forms to show how the funding has affected their progress; this will include good news stories, photographs, press coverage, and case studies.
Groups - Before You Apply...
If you are an organisation for physical disability or visually impaired groups applying for funding, below is a summary of criteria that you are expected to meet. Terms and Conditions covering these will be signed by the applicant and the Sports Foundation for the Disabled before the funding is released.
Organisational Criteria
- The Organisation must operate for the benefit of all or part of the South West of England or Wales.
- The work of the Organisation must be not-for-profit.
- Organisations must be engaged in or propose to provide sporting activities for people with physical disabilities or visual impairments. Such organisations include
- Local Community Sports Clubs
- Community Groups
- Parish/Town Councils
- National Governing Bodies for Sport
- Charitable Groups
- Youth Organisations
Coaching / Teaching Standards
- The Organisation must use accredited awards and other coaching/teaching resources provided by Sports Coach UK/Sports Leaders UK/National Governing Bodies (NGBs) or other National Youth Bodies.
- The participant to coach ratio must meet guidelines from the relevant body i.e. NGB / Sports Development Unit.
- Any lead coach/instructor/teacher is suitably qualified to a standard recognised by their sport’s NGB.
- The organisation has an open, non-discriminatory governing document/constitution/set of rules.
Health and Safety
- Providing adequate health and safety provision will be the responsibility of the Organisation.
- The Organisation will provide adequate public liability insurance for participants whilst they are engaged in activity relating to the project.
- All activities must be fully risk assessed and will only run if the risks are adequately controlled.
- The Organisation has access to first aid equipment and a qualified First Aider at all coaching/activity and competitions.
- Every person attending sessions must complete a short registration form before the first session, which will collect information such as age, gender, medical conditions, and emergency contact details. Coaches should be informed of participants’ medical conditions and medication required on a need-to-know basis.
Child Protection
Where an Organisation is working with young people or vulnerable adults, they must provide evidence that they have a child protection/safeguarding and/or vulnerable adult policy that all involved adhere to.
If you are an individual and you believe that you meet the criteria, please apply here.
Organisations & Groups
If you represent an organisation or a group and you believe that you meet the criteria above, please apply here.